Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On living in the USA

Huh. Been here for 3 months and change now. Time to write a blog post!

Got married again in April - rather, we had the ceremony here, and got the (American) paperwork signed. It was fun.

Found a job with RLB again. Temporary, just for the April tax season. In retrospect, that's the best employer I've ever had. Decent pay, work that can be measured physically (or in some other quantifiable way), Health and dental after six months, easy enough to get to. The only problem is that the neighborhood (from the Convention Center to South Lake Union/Cascade) is alternately skeevy and pleasant, but usually leaning towards the latter.

Went to Spokane with Rachel (6/18-21) and treated it as our first vacation as husband and wife - but not as our honeymoon. We went on a hike and went to a local country-themed eatery on Saturday. Sunday, there was a reunion, and I got to see my America Samoan relatives. My family tree is confusingly international.

Still unemployed. Currently going through Craigslist and the University of Washington job page, mostly.

Also, I seem to have an ulcer now. It started showing up during my last few months in Japan and got worse in April. Unemployment and a distinct lack of health insurance means I'll have to tough it out for a while. Luckily, I was able to find and purchase a significant quantity of Rolaids in Spokane, so I'm not empty-handed in my fight with pain.

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