Saturday, July 17, 2010

On coil florescent bulbs

Replaced one in Rachel's room. Wonder if, and when, she'll notice?

The problem with these compact florescents, for me, has always been one of sound. Before I left for Japan, the ones I could find all gave off a high-pitched whine. Without researching this phenomenon at all, I believe it's in the power regulator-thingy at the base of the bulb rather than the coiled florescent. Maybe? I should look into it.

Funny thing, though. The ones I bought after coming back to Seattle didn't make such a sound, and they were the cheapest ones I could find. (Funny story - the florescent I installed into the kitchen light at home only burned out some time after I returned. Given how long it'd lasted, I was eventually able to convince my mom that they were appropriate for the living room lamps as well.)

I like them. Given the chance and choice, I think I'll buy florescent bulbs over incandescent ones.

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